Mental Health and Exercise

Did you know?

Poor mental health can result in poor quality of life and reduced productivity.

·        1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue of some sort during their lifetime

·        1 in 6 people are likely to have had mental health issues in the past seven days

·        People with mental health issues are more at risk of having poor physical health

Arthritis is an umbrella term for a range of inflammatory conditions affecting the bones, muscles and joints which often result in pain, stiffness and swelling and redness in affected joints.  1 in 6 Australians with arthritis reported high or very high levels of psychological distress.

Exercise has been strongly advocated as an evidence-based treatments for people with both mental health issues and arthritis.

The health benefits of exercises are:

·        Improves sleep quality

·        Improves cardiovascular health

·        Positive impact on metabolic syndrome and diabetes

·        Reduces stress

·        Enlightens mood

·        Increased energy and less impact of tiredness

·        Improves overall quality of life

You are not alone! We are here to be part of your life!

Call us 0298093854 to start making a positive change.


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